Programming Environment for Numerical Computing

Graphical User Interface using IUP

Solis includes the IUP toolkit for building graphical user interfaces through the iuplua namespace.
The documentation and example of using iuplua can be found at the IUP website here and a quickstart guide here.
Note that the other IUP lua extension modules, such as iupluacontrols, cd or iuplua_plot51, are not included in Solis. Ony the main IUP lua module iuplua is included.

Below an example of using iuplua:


require "iuplua"

counter = 0
text = iup.text{readonly = "YES", value = "", expand = "YES", alignment = "ACENTER"}
button = iup.button{title = "Stop", expand = "YES"}

function idle_cb()
    counter = counter + 1
    text.value = string.format('Iteration %d', counter)
    if counter == 10000 then
        button.title = "Start"
    return iup.DEFAULT

function button:action()
    text.value = ""
    counter = 0
    if button.title == "Stop" then
        button.title = "Start"
        button.title = "Stop"

dlg = iup.dialog
            margin = "20x20",
            alignment = "ACENTER"
            margin = "20x20",
            alignment = "ACENTER"
    title = "IUP",
    size = "160x80",
    icon = 0,

dlg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER)
if (iup.MainLoopLevel() == 0) then



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